Cyprus | Posted:

Cyprus’ financial woes will be at the epicenter of the Limassol Carnival that is exactly a month away from today and lasts 10 days.

“What the (financial) crisis needs is carnival and madness" is the motto of the events that start on the Shrove Thursday (7th March) with the Carnival King entering the town in a festive atmosphere, then the children’s parade, the various Serenaders’ shows and finally the Grand Carnival Parade which takes place on the last Sunday of the Carnival festivities.

Limassol Municipal Cultural officer Kleonas Alexandrou told CNA that participations this year have reached the record figure of 130.

He said interest is huge as people are tired of the economic crisis and the presidential election campaign and just want to have fun, participating in the carnival events offered at no charge by the Municipality.

The Queen of Carnival will return after 36 years as the “Queen of crisis and madness". She will parade on March 7th outside the District Administration offices.

Masquerade parties, balls and grand parades of colourful floats and groups of fancy-dressed participants, singing and dancing along the streets of Limassol will take place for ten days, culminating with the Carnival Farewell Fiesta on 17th March at the Enaerios Parking.

An innovation this year is the award for “clever mask” and only those who create their own masks will be able to take part.

The second biggest city in Cyprus will start wearing its carnival costumes and town decor after the elections, said Alexandrou.


Source: Financial Mirror